Monday, 11 April 2011

Always look on the bright side of life


Although I should start this blog in a cheery way thanks to the 'Life of Brian' reference that if things looks all doom and gloom look to the brighter side of the situation.
And unfortunately thanks to pulling a muscle in my back here at my oh-so glorious work I fail to see the brighter side of being in agony! :P Alas, I am only 4 hours in the exhausting 12 hour shifts then I start it all again tomorrow. What a joyous feeling that is!
I must admit the only positive is that I have 3 days off this week and I'm using that time to meet up with my best friend who I've known since Primary school and turn to whenever I need advice in which she always gives the best advice I could ask for. Meeting up with other friends, a bit of a wee gathering as some things needs to be cleared and brought up. Oh the dramas of it all! I have to admit, these past 2 years have involved more drama than what I had in high school! What with Woolworths ending and a friend going off with a married man who went back to his wife and kid after a month, 4 months trying to find a job, drama with a friend and other stuff! But positive drama involved whenever I met with my fiance!
Then within all that in the 2 years I have been to 3 funerals which brought me further down and down into the downward spiral of emptiness and feeling pointless! :(

But now I believe I should listen to the song 'always look on the bright side of life' and try to be more positive! As my fiance says, things can only get better. I only hope he's right but I understand I need to put an effort in too, you can't get everything by not giving something in return can you not? Its worth a shot anyway!

Heading now folks! Until next time...

"Always look on the bright side of life! *whistles*" :D

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