Sunday, 8 May 2011

Why do holidays pass so quickly?

Well, thats my holiday came and went so quickly its sad. I have been excited for this holiday since January and it has just flown by so quickly it has actually made me sad. Totally I have been on a bit on a downer, mainly I was tired but on this day last year, my uncle had passed so kinda was down about that. Also, it has been my first birthday I have had without my nana being around as she had past mid-February so that hit me hard at the end of my birthday.

Besides what I was feeling today, the whole week has been amazing! My fiance took me to Edinburgh on Monday and we stayed the night there, mainly to get away from the gradually sufficating town we live in, so it's a bit of fresh air for us. We went and saw Thor which I have to say everyone 'must see' this because it was awesome! Really good, and the guy who played thor was waaaaay tall haha! Crosses over with the story of what was happening in 'Iron Man 2' which is good. Cannot wait for 'The Avengers' movie to come out! Should be real good!

My birthday was good. Had a chocolate birthday cake and got great presents from my loved ones. It was a good day, besides the thought in the back of my mind that my nana wasn't there to celebrate with me.

Saturday was the big night out. It was good as well, got plenty of pictures taken some drunken and some that are decent but a good night non the less.

Anyhoo, back to work this week. Mood should pick up soon. Got to phone housing association bout trying to get a home, been wishing and praying to at least get a place by my birthday but that was a failure. feels like slim chances now but got to try and stay positive haven't I?

Easier said than done.

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